Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Try This Tuesday!!

I bought some cheapo unfinished frames from Michael's a couple months ago and couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. All the frames in my apartment are boring and bland soooo I kicked it up a notch and added some scarp book paper!

wooden unfinished frame ($1 at Michael's)
scrap book paper
modge podge
sanding block

First I outlined and cut my paper to the size of the frame

Then I just modge podged the back of the paper and pushed out any bubbles.

Then I just sanded the sides to make my uneven cutting more even :)

Lastly, find a cute photo of your mother and niece to display in your bedroom and voila!

Easy! (as most of my projects are)

A Poem for a Loving Mom

My Mother has so graciously kept a file folder for me of memories, pictures and the sweetest poem a child could ever write. I thought I would share this poem with you and allow you to understand just how sweet I truly am...

It goes a little something like this...

I love you with all my heart
Even when you have some stanky farts
They may be smelly
But oh welly
You make my sun rise
When you bring me home a surprise
That may not happen a lot
But at least you give it some thought"

:) I have NO idea how I will ever top that poem... Mother's Day should be interesting this year.

XOXO Love you Mom!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Try This Tuesday!!

I know I have been totally MIA, but like I said... this whole "job" thing is getting in the way of my blogging! BUT it pays the bills and I love it sooo I guess I'll stick around :D

Anywho! So I was rummaging through the clearance section at Hobby Lobby and came across and frame for $1.80... it didn't have any glass but for $1.80 how could you beat that?! SO I scooped it up and made this out of that little beauty...

Chunky/Cheap frame
old cork board (or you can buy new cork board at HL near the unfinished wood)
ribbon (clearance at walmart)
twine/wire for the bow
your imagination

I cut the cork down to size and just pushed it into place from the back of the frame. No glue should be needed unless you cut it too small or just want extra support.

Then I just tied a cutsie ribbon and hung that sucker on the wall!

Instant cute cork board! easy easy EASY!

I actually made this to hold announcements (like my buy 2 get 1 free Uppercase Promotion) for one of my Open Houses and I got more compliments on it than all of my products displays! Women! :D

Thursday, March 18, 2010

i sowwy....

I know I am not THAT high in demand but I promise to have a few tutorials and other random post soon!

Those things that mature responsible people have... what are they called...

oh yes.. JOBS! Well I have one of those and I am swamped! Bare with me till tomorrow MONDAY! :)


Friday, March 12, 2010

Busy Busy Bee!

Happy Friday Everyone!

This weekend will be a bit crazy for me! But I am suuuper excited! I had my friend Shannon's bachelorette party last night (pics soon-- well, only the appropriate ones. HA!) Tomorrow I have a bridal shower for my cousin, then Shannon's wedding, THEN my friend Jenni's bachelorette party... I'm pooped just thinking about it!!

But my camera is fully charged and I will be loaded up on 5 Hour Energy!

So folks, I leave you with a quick lil' "how to" on reusing what you have. I originally made a door hanger for my Niece's birthday party... it basically involved feathers, ribbon, and the letter "T" with glitter, SUPER easy. For the bachelorette party last night I wanted a door hanger to coordinate with all the pink & zebra decor so I transformed it from this:

To this, with just a little ribbon!:

I did not have to hot glue like crazy or anything, so I will be able to reuse the ribbon. The feathers are miniature boas that are held on by wire, so the actual wreath can be reused as well.

I love being cheap thrify!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Try this!" Tuesdays

Sorry for the long delay... I've been overwhelmed busy lately.

But I am starting a new routine (hopefully) every week called "Try This" Tuesdays! Each week I will show something I have tried from another blog or something I have seen that I wanted to try. I encourage everyone else to join in and post or email me your results!

Without further delay...

Today I am showing you my version of Lynette's, from Get Your Craft On, ribbon flower head band. It was SUPER easy!

First I cut two pieces of felt into two circles about 2 inches in diameter. I used brown since I didn't have any black leftover.

Then I sewed a loose stitch up one side of a piece of about 1 1/2 feet of ribbon. and pulled the thread to make the ribbon ruffle.

Then I hot glued the loose end of the thread and ribbon first in order to keep the ribbon in a ruffle. I made my way around in a spiral with the hot glue until the entire ribbon was curled into the middle.

I then added a little black jewel to middle for some flare. :) On the back of the flower I glued the second piece of felt so that there was an opening in the middle for me to slide my headband in... I forget to take a picture of that. But here is the final project.

"oooooo, ahhhhhh"

Easy Peasy!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mirror Redo

Like everyone else, I love IKEA! When I first got my apartment I bought a disco ball lookin' mirror that has NEVER matched anything I own. I hate to throw a way a perfectly good mirror so instead I did what any other craft-a-holic would do... I spray painted it!!

I taped off the center of the mirror and then spray painted the life out of it. I originally went with Black but then quickly changed my mind and went with Brown.

I sell Uppercase Living so of course I had to add one our my favorite quotes! I am extremely pleased with how it turned out!!

I have a few more Uppercase Projects I am working on that I hope to show off soon, so stay tuned!!

Please visit one of my favorite blogs for more inspirational ideas!!

Birthday Fun!!

So the party went as well as a 1 year old's birthday with 30+ can go! My sister worked so hard on this party and it was so much fun for everyone involved!!

A few pictures for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!

The table turned out great!

The birthday princess :)

Enjoying the bounce house!

"mmm cupcakkke"

Next... my nephew's Pirate party... I have LOTS of ideas but his birthday isnt until May... lots of time to plan :D