Friday, April 23, 2010

I can sewwww!!

I totally suck at it but I can sew none the less!! My future children will hate thank me one day for starting to learn now!

I know its been over a month since I purchased my sewing machine but I felt like I needed to find the perfect time to focus and give it an honest try. And that's exactly what I did! Before last night that sucker was still in its original packing.

I took it out...
starred at it...
grabbed the manual and started reading.

I'm very much a visual learner so I am SO lucky it came with pictures! I followed each step... some of them twice... and finally got the hang out it. I tried out a few different stitches to see what they looked like.

Gorgeous huh!!

I was impressed how easy it was to use.

Than I started on my first attempt at a sewing project... the "easy to use" quickly flew out the window. I found a tutorial for a t-shirt apron from Ruffles & Stuff that seemed SUPER easy, and probably was for someone who has been sewing for more than 30 minutes. So away I went to chopped up my green, horribly wrinkled, t-shirt.

So this:

Slowly, but surely became this:

Not bad for my first time! Just please don't closely examine it... or flip it over. :)

I won't give up, but don't expect me to be selling any of my great creations... I don't think I could GIVE them away at this point!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm a Big Kid Now!

With age comes a lot of other things...
responsibility (barf)
new outlook on life (ha!)
BILLS (gag)
gray hair (not yet!)

and New furniture!!!

Since I have moved out of my parents house 5 years ago (seems like MUCH longer but whatevs) I have accumulated a lot of hand-me-down furniture. I was very thankful to receive each and every piece! I had a couch & a bagillion accessories from my mom; a bed from my sister; a TV from my brother; a kitchen table,armoire and buffet table from my dad. I have never purchased a single piece of furniture on my own (unless you count my $20 Ikea coffee table). I guess you could say I had it pretty easy because every piece was in GREAT condition and matched my style to a T! Lucky ME!

Well my couch had been to H-E-double hockey sticks and back! I would hate to see any kind of lab test results done to that couch... dogs + children + plus lots of spilled drinks= nastiness! It was time to upgrade!

So I did!! I bought myself, with the help of financing the boyfriend (but still paid by me),a brand new living room set that includes a couch, love seat, an overstuffed chair, and an ottoman! LOVE! It's gorgeous and comfy and a-MAAA-zing!


Oh and those cute lil wall hangings? Ya I made those too :)

But lets focus on history in the making right now. I have made my first adult purchase and I couldn't be happier!!

Monday, April 19, 2010


LOTS of new and exciting things have been happening in my life. I have been neglecting my blog but I had some more important things to do... like build an Ikea bookcase (more on that mess later).

By far the BIGGEST change I have made...

Drum roll please....


YES! I chopped it all off. Lets recap with a before picture:

I have had long hair basically my whole life... it was time for something new!
I at least made the best of the situation and I am donating my luscious locks to Locks of Love.

I know some people think "it's just hair" but to me, it's not. I am happy I made such a huge change and I look forward to many more changes in my life.

So stay tuned :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Miss me yet?

Don't worry I miss you too ;)

I'll be back to blogging shortly... just have to deal with all this chaos I call "Life"!

ha! get it?.... ok I'll stop

Have a great week!!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Friday!

TGIF! I am so ready for the weekend!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter! I am looking forward to spending time with my family. :) And of course my two favorite kiddos!

I am also dyyyiiinng to make this adorable center piece from Mix Mingle Glow!