Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I stink at blogging..

I quit...

for now :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I kicked Week 1's butt!

With week one of Insanity under my belt I do feel much more motivated to continue. I lost 3.5 pounds this week and I couldn't be happier. I am still struggling with getting fully through the workouts but each day it becomes easier and easier. This morning is the first day I skipped a workout but I am hoping to get something else in tonight. I'm almost positive my upstairs neighbors were bowling in their bedroom until 1 AM so I didn't get much sleep last night. :(

Life has kind of taken a 180 for me lately. I keep changing my mind on what I want to do with my life. I feel like I am stuck between "21 year old party girl" and "25 year old grown up"... I feel pulled in both directions. I see old friends on their facebooks with a beer in their hand and a total wonk eye and there is no way I want to live like that every night... heck I don't have the liver to measure up! But on the other hand I feel like a total bore when I am in bed by 10 PM on a Saturday night because I have a Vendor show to be at the next morning. I am having trouble balancing the pros and cons of each side... I don't want to look back and wish I had done things differently. I'm stuck and I'm not sure which road to take. Not that I want to a drunken idiot every day but it's nice to go out and have fun but to what degree does it become a problem or a habit?

*sigh* decisions decisions....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's only Day 3?!

Wow... It was really hard to get up this morning knowing I was about to hate life for 35 minutes! But I did... I dragged my butt out of bed and did my workout.

There are 3 sets of each exercise all done back to back with a 30 second rest between each of the 3 sets... then it starts all over with 3 different sets of moves. Each set you have to push harder and faster. Pretty much... I fast forward through two sets. :D Don't judge. It was so exhausting and I am no where close to the level as the people in the video with their toned bodies and shorty shorts!

None the less... I pushed through what I could and collapsed on the couch.

I like that the sessions are only 30-45 minutes but you are constantly pushing hard every second. It also comes with a meal plan but for my life schedule it just isn't realistic for me. I am basically sticking to grilled chicken and steamed veggies for dinner and whatever is leftover for lunches. I still need some major tweaking on my diet.

I think my biggest challenge will be staying clear of alcohol. I'm 23 with no kids... I enjoy a drink dang it! But if I want to be successful I HAVE to avoid it at all cost. Considering I had 3 margaritas last night... lets start that task today! ;)

57 days to go...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bandana Dress

I am still in the process of perfecting my sewing skills, but practice makes perfect right??

My latest project is a bandanna dress. I have seen different versions all over blog land and I figured it would be an easy project. For a beginner sewer it was super easy!! I still have a few kinks to work out but I love how it turned out! I am making a few more in small sizes for my sister's neighbor. By the time I am a mom i should be a champ at sewing... we'll see ;)

This week I will attempt to add elastic at the top instead of having the ribbon do the scrunching. Stay tuned :)

Annnnd I'm back

I know I have been completely MIA but for the four people who read this blog... you can now breath easy.

I have had a lot going on but I am trying to focus on more important things and put some less important things on the back burner.

Today is day one of my Insanity training. It's from the same makers as P90X and seems to be about a bagillion times harder. It has lots more cardio and there are no weights you have to buy or any junk like that. I have started the program a million few times and failed miserably. I don't think I was in the right mindset and wasn't ready to give it my all. Today I feel different. I feel like its time... so does the scale :)

I want this blog to hold me accountable and keep me on track... we'll see how that goes. :)

Have no fear, I do have a few projects I am working on and lots of new things to share.

Have a seat and check back soon to see my progress and projects!

Happy Tuesday!!!