Friday, February 26, 2010


Oh my am I glad its Friday!!

I've waited all week for this day! :)

I have a very busy & fun filled weekend ahead of me!

My Niece's birthday is today and her too-cute-for-words cupcake themed party is tomorrow (pics WILL be posted next week)! We still have a lot to do tonight and tomorrow but it should all be worth it. My sister says there are about 35 people coming... for a ONE year olds birthday!! REALLY?! I can't even get 5 people to show up to my birthday!! Sheesh! She must be one crazy cute baby!! oh wait... she is!!!

Tonight we will be making about a bagillion cupcakes and two GIANT cupcake cakes... does that make sense?? After my $35 shopping spree at the candy store last night I'd say we are about done buying things for this shin-dig!

I will try and finish all the rest of my projects this weekend. I got a big ol' shipment from Uppercase Living so I have lots to put together and get ready for my next show!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and I will be back Monday with lots of Birthday details!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I am a Woman of many talents...

Lets hope sewing will be one of them! I just purchased my very first sewing machine!! I have been wanting to learn to sew for a lonnnnng time... ok maybe just the past 6 months but it has been long enough! Again... I promise to only show projects that turn out in my favor :) So 5-10 business days from now I am sure I will have a project ready for showing!

Isn't she beautiful?? :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Another Tutorial! Lucky You!

I have had a very busy productive week!

Last night I got all my supplies for Tessa's Birthday banner and I actually finished it! I was at Michael's for almost an hour trying to figure out what I wanted but I am VERY happy with the outcome!

I found these little wooden letters for $1 a piece and spray painted them heirloom white (my fav!).

While they were drying I got my glitter cardstock (already cut to the perfect size) and punched holes in the corners and tied them together with light pink tulle.

Then I made sweet little bows with leftover ribbon and tulle for the corners of the banner

After the letters were almost dry, I hot glued the crap out of them to keep them from falling off the cardstock.

Viola!!! I LOVE it! I originally bought extra scrap book paper to modge podge on but I think I like it better just spray painted... and it was easier that way :)

I am super excited for all my projects tonight...
I just received this from Mr UPS man!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yippee! My first tutorial!

I would in no way call my self an "expert" at crafting but I promise to only show my projects that turn out in my favor. I know... I'm too sweet right!?

On to the tutorial. This one was super duper easy! I bought a playwood-ish (not sure of the real material) "M" at Hobby Lobby for around $1 and wasn't sure exactly what I would do with it. I thought about painting it but my color options were heirloom white or black... boring. I needed some pizazz in my life. SOOO I got my handy dandy scrap book paper and went to work!

scrapbook paper
letter of choice
matching ribbon
modge podge
hot glue
sanding sponge

I began by tracing the "m" on the back of the scrapbook paper and then I cut it out.

I then modge podged the paper to the "M" and let it dry.
Then I lightly sanded the edges to make them smooth.
I hot glued the ribbon pieces to the back and tied a bow.(**be sure to glue the ribbons at an angle to they don't crease weird)


And I love love LOVE it! I hung it next to my bed :)

Whew... Monday came too soon!

So my weekend was a little on the crazy side but I DID get stuff done!

Being the eager hostess that I am... I am hosting my friend Shannon's Bachelorette Party. I got started on her invites and they are A-dorrrable! I love making fun (or "funky fresh" as I like to call them) invitations. I don't believe in store bought invites... it's just not my cup of tea.

So here are my final results, I sure hope she likes them!

My sweet sweet Dad & Step Mother had a buffet table they weren't using so of course thy had the BRILLIANT idea of giving it to me!! :) I LOVE it! Not only is it adorable but it's free... I'll take it!! So of course I had to accessorize it and I am just in love! I know I dont have the typical style of a 23 yr old but I think my style is a more lasting one... I just cant get into all the modern styles... its just not me. Any-who! Here it is on all her Glory (along with my non working clock :)!!

Along with the new table came new storage! Douple YAY! So I was on a mission to organize my mess of a coat closet. I took out my plastic drawers that held all my crafting supplies and threw some (not much) junk away and I am VERY happy with the results!


To this:

Then to this: (you like my step by step process right? ha!)

I DID somehow get laundry done AND I hung it up... the deeeep south has frozen over!

I am off tonight to Michael's to find materials for a better Birthday banner for my sweet niece... she deserves better than my $1 banner I had made... it just doesn't make me giddy anymore and I dont feel like putting more effort into it & not getting the look I truelly want.

I have a list and plan on sticking with it... hopefully :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Well atleast I tried...

I did what I could last night but I didnt even get through half of my list.

I went grocery shopping, Check!

Made dinner... decided I didnt want dinner so I had a glass of wine instead. :)

As for everything else... Guess I will be super busy this weekend!!

I did spray paint this picture frame... It was on clearance for $1.00 at TJ Maxx because it had a scratch. Going to TJ Maxx is like Christmas every time!

I hung this... I got it at Hobby Lobby for $4.00... it originally had ugly little picture frames hanging from it... but I think it holds jewlery MUCH better!!

I took a few pictures of stuff I have already made... no before pictures but hopefully you have a good imagination!

These mirrors I bought at IKEA 3 years ago. I lost all the hardware to hang them, so I attached heavy duty ribbon to the back and hung them in my kitchen. I LOVE how they turned out!

This frame I bought at Good Will in Houston and it had an UGGGGGLY picture of some random flowers inside... uh no thanks! So I took the backing, spray painted the frame and added some scrapbook paper and a mini poster from Hobby Lobby and BAM! I now have art! Not to bad for around $15.00!

I then got side tracked and enjoyed my glass of wine :)

Hopefully I will get all my projects done this weekend!

I have to do:
-Birthday banner
-MORE Laundry
-Bachelorette party invites
-Reorganize my Craft closet

Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Projects for tonight:

I have to make myself a list or I will completely forget and wander off... I think they call that ADD.

Tonight I am taking a night off from my crazy social schedule to spend a night to myself getting things done that have been put off all week!

- Grocery shop
- Laundry, laundry & more laundry!
- Clean my apartment top to bottom (shouldnt take TOO long... right?)
- Finish Tessa's birthday banner
- Take pictures of all my recent crafts I have finished... I always forget to take befores so i will do my best to describe what it looked like before hand... bare with me :)
- sleeeeeeeppp!

I have a long weekend ahead of me and my trip to Hobby Lobby today (damn you 80% off section!) just set me back even more with my "to do" craft list.

My first blog.... let the madness begin!

So this will be my first blog posting. Nervous? me too! Obviously I realize nobody will read this for days... ok weeks from now but I just wanted to jump right on in feet first!!

This is me... cute huh!?!

I have been slightly obsessed with blogs lately so I figured why not start my own. I know I will have a LOT of kinks to work out but sincerely hope to entertain the digital world VERY soon!

I think I honestly needed a place to write down my thoughts & ideas... you know... the ones that the everyday person (ie my coworkers, friends & family) are tired of hearing about. :) Sorry guys! I am finding a new outlet!

Ok so, a little about me! I am 35 year old mom trapped in a 23 year old, single, no kids body! I looove to craft, scrapbook, & decorate. If I could be a stay at home mom with no kids I sooo would... but I'm pretty sure that defeats the purpose of a "Stay at Home Mom". Either way I see ideas and make them my own. I live in an apartment so my ideas can only take me so far.

I hope to bring creativeness and ideas to this blog. I get most of my ideas from other people/blogs/random store display windows, but I try my best to make them my own but I can't take credit fully! I hope you enjoy my chaotic life as much as I do... just bare with me while I work through it all and try to sort out this mess I call my life!

So there it is... me in a nut shell... I'm sure you'll learn to love me...hopefully :)
