Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yippee! My first tutorial!

I would in no way call my self an "expert" at crafting but I promise to only show my projects that turn out in my favor. I know... I'm too sweet right!?

On to the tutorial. This one was super duper easy! I bought a playwood-ish (not sure of the real material) "M" at Hobby Lobby for around $1 and wasn't sure exactly what I would do with it. I thought about painting it but my color options were heirloom white or black... boring. I needed some pizazz in my life. SOOO I got my handy dandy scrap book paper and went to work!

scrapbook paper
letter of choice
matching ribbon
modge podge
hot glue
sanding sponge

I began by tracing the "m" on the back of the scrapbook paper and then I cut it out.

I then modge podged the paper to the "M" and let it dry.
Then I lightly sanded the edges to make them smooth.
I hot glued the ribbon pieces to the back and tied a bow.(**be sure to glue the ribbons at an angle to they don't crease weird)


And I love love LOVE it! I hung it next to my bed :)

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