Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Try This Tuesday!!

I know I have been totally MIA, but like I said... this whole "job" thing is getting in the way of my blogging! BUT it pays the bills and I love it sooo I guess I'll stick around :D

Anywho! So I was rummaging through the clearance section at Hobby Lobby and came across and frame for $1.80... it didn't have any glass but for $1.80 how could you beat that?! SO I scooped it up and made this out of that little beauty...

Chunky/Cheap frame
old cork board (or you can buy new cork board at HL near the unfinished wood)
ribbon (clearance at walmart)
twine/wire for the bow
your imagination

I cut the cork down to size and just pushed it into place from the back of the frame. No glue should be needed unless you cut it too small or just want extra support.

Then I just tied a cutsie ribbon and hung that sucker on the wall!

Instant cute cork board! easy easy EASY!

I actually made this to hold announcements (like my buy 2 get 1 free Uppercase Promotion) for one of my Open Houses and I got more compliments on it than all of my products displays! Women! :D


  1. Love the bulletin board! And the price! I'm a big Hobby Lobby addict - I mean - fan, myself... Found your blog from Thrifty Decor Chick's site via comments. I'm an Uppercase Living Demonstrator, too. Best of luck with your business and your blog. I'm blog-stalking and toying with the idea of starting my own soon. Thanks, you have inspired me!

  2. I think the bulletin board turned out great - I really like the addition of the bow (and love that you used clearance ribbon)! Thanks for linking up to Be Inspired.


  3. Nicole,

    you should totally start your own blog! I dont post everyday since I am crazy busy with my "real" job and with Uppercase but I still find some down time to let my creative juices flow. Good Luck to you as well and feel free to come back ANY time :D
